After-School Choices at PS 230

PS 230 has a variety of after-school programs that take place in our school buildings.

For more information, click on the images and links below

or contact Ummeh Kashem, Parent Coordinator at


 SAYA logo with link to organization's website page

Students are invited to participate in this program with recommendations by teachers and school staff.

If your child is interested in SAYA, please contact Ummeh Kashem at

Singing Winds

   Calaveras Crafts 

Dance and Sculpting Crafts

For more information,

contact Jill Reinier

Academic Intervention Programs

 PS 230 logo 

     PS 230 offers free academic support to students who are English Language Learners (ELL's) and/or would benefit from targeted instruction in certain areas.


     Students are recommended for these programs by their classroom teachers. 

     If your child is invited to participate, we highly encourage families to take advantage of this opportunity!

     For more information, please contact Ummeh Kashem, Parent Coordinator at, or visit Room 121 in the lower school.

Saturday Academy

 Cover of the NYS ELA testing booklet


In preparation for the NYS ELA and Math Tests,

PS 230 offers Saturday Academy

for all 4th Grade Students

Next Session:  March 2023


Information about the NYS Tests

     Some local after-school programs pick up at PS 230, depending on age, grade and # of students enrolled. 

For more information, contact these programs directly.

Brooklyn Game Lab

Brooklyn Acting Lab

Brooklyn Nature Days

Craft Salon

Creativity Soccer

Game Lab

One World Project

Spacestation Prospect

Tea Time Tactics