Letter from Principal Della Ragione

September 24, 2024

Dear PS 230 Families,

We want to share some very important PS 230 news. 

First, we are deeply saddened to announce that Ms. Kathleen Kalbacher (Drain) has retired from PS 230.  She has been deeply committed to the PS 230 community for over over 20 years and the majority of her career, as a teacher, coach, administrator, and parent.  She has and continues to advocate for the children of PS 230 through her mentoring, teacher and family support, and creation of events that support and engage the whole community (such as our Hoedown and 5th grade trip!).  Even in her retirement, we are happy that she wants to continue to donate her time and volunteer to support these events and more in order to ensure that our children continue to benefit and thrive from her love and devotion to our community.  Please wish her health, happiness, and care in her retirement.

We also want to officially announce that our new Parent Coordinator has begun this week.  Ummeh Kashem now joins the PS 230 community and is excited to meet all of you and understand your needs and how to best support you during your time at PS 230.  Her main office is located out of Lower School and her email address is:  ukashem2@schools.nyc.gov

As always, please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns. 

Warm regards,
Maria Della Ragione
Principal, PS 230

PS 230 PTA

  • PTA Meeting - Feb 27, 8:45am, LS Cafeteria

    Join us in person, or virtually!

    General meeting
    Thursday, January 30 · 8:45 – 9:45am
    Video call link: meet.google.com/ppw-gwpv-dbu 

    Slides for the meeting are attached.

    PS 230 PTA
  • Read-a-thon sheets, for printing at home

    Get excited to read!

    Your child should have 3 Read-a-Thon papers:
    1) the reading log
    2) the pledge sheet
    3) a flyer explaining the read-a-thon

    If you are missing any of these, print them out here!

    PS 230 PTA
  • PTA meeting - Jan 30, 8:45 AM, UPPER School

    Join us in person, or virtually!

    General meeting
    Thursday, January 30 · 8:45 – 9:45am
    Video call link:  meet.google.com/bdq-bxgy-yvh

    Slides for the meeting are attached.

    PS 230 PTA
  • Friday, Jan 24 - Movie Night!

    Bring the whole family and watch Disney's 'The Emperor's New Groove'!

    Doors open at 4:30, with snacks and drinks for sale in the US cafeteria.  Movie begins at 5pm!

    PS 230 PTA
  • PTA meeting - Dec 19, Lower School

    Join us in person, or virtually!

    General meeting
    Thursday, December 19 · 5:30 – 6:00pm
    Video call link:  meet.google.com/iyq-erjr-oeh

    Slides for the meeting are attached.

    PS 230 PTA
  • PTA Meeting - November 21, Lower School

    Join us in person, or virtually!

    General meeting
    Thursday, November 21 · 5:00 – 5:45pm
    Video call link:  meet.google.com/iyq-erjr-oeh

    Slides for the meeting are attached.

    PS 230 PTA
  • PTA Meeting - October 24, Lower School

    Join us in person, or virtually!

    General meeting
    Thursday, October 24 · 5:30 – 6:30pm
    Video call link: meet.google.com/ras-gzcu-sik

    Slides for the meeting are attached.
    We are finishing up Picture Day (THANK YOU, JAE, for your incredible organizing!), and getting excited for the Food Drive and Giving Tuesday.

    Don't forget to join in the Brooklyn PTA Fun Run in Prospect Park on Saturday, October 26th! If you join through our PS 230 team, it helps raise money from the city straight to PS 230.

    PS 230 PTA
  • Oct 11: 5th Grade cap and gown photos!

    Fifth Graders, get ready! Your portraits will be taken on 5th Grade Picture Day: Friday, October 11.

    Fall Picture Day | Bear Creek Elementary School

    All other grades Picture Days:
    1st & 2nd - Monday, October 21st
    3rd & 4th - Tuesday, October 22nd
    3-K, Pre-K, and Kindergarten - Friday, October 25th

    PS 230 PTA
  • September Meeting pdf

    If you'd like to see the slides from our September PTA meeting, they are posted below. 


    We will see you next month, on Thursday, October 24th!

    PS 230 PTA
  • PTA Meeting - Sept 26, Lower School

    Join us in person, or virtually!

    General meeting
    Thursday, September 26 · 5:30 – 6:30pm
    Video call link: https://meet.google.com/ras-gzcu-sik

    PS 230 PTA
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